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Medan Hokkien

New Year Esperanto Meetup 2024 in Taiwan

Rohingya migration brings the Rohingya language to Indonesia

3 important languages children should learn

5 Famous Polyglots and Their Learning Techniques

How you can learn SignWriting fast?

Current Target Language

Instructions for Making Friends Internationally

7 main languages of the new residents of Taiwan

The Method of Learning by Analyzing Sentences

Viva lets the whole world learn your language

A unique group of Chinese Indonesian: Why are they still able to converse fluently in Hokkien after most areas have been "Indonesianized"?

KomunIKON at SciLang 2022

Medan Chinese: The most controversial community in Indonesia

My sign language experience

Virtual Congress of Esperanto 2021

3 Problems and Solutions for a Successful Language Exchange

The 52nd Opening Day of UEA and TEJO

The 7th Iranian Esperanto Congress

Interview: Ermira B Gashi (Kosovo)

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