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Here is how you explain Esperanto and Toki Pona to a 5 years old kid

Learn Indonesian in less than 5 minutes

Multilingual countries

This is how I remember the Braille alphabet

Most Spoken Languages in Africa

Learn Indonesian Fast

Rapa Nui and Indonesian Languages

Medan Hokkien

Ivatan: A language from a place closer to Taiwan than the Philippines

Rohingya migration brings the Rohingya language to Indonesia

I speak 4 languages in Penang Malaysia and I shall learn 1 more language

How you can learn SignWriting fast?

6 Local Writing Systems in Indonesia

My sign language experience

How much do you know about languages in the world?

Indonesian language gains more popularity in Taiwan

Can you speak Romanian?

Toki Pona: The Language of Good

Peru and Chile

5 Reasons To Learn Indonesian

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