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Were people in the past more serious about invented languages?

What is my ideal language learning environment?

How do you stay motivated when you encounter challenges in language learning?

Most Spoken Languages in Africa

Why did Esperanto fail as a common language?

KomunIKON at the Polyglot Gathering

Medan Hokkien

New Year Esperanto Meetup 2024 in Taiwan

Rohingya migration brings the Rohingya language to Indonesia

3 important languages children should learn

5 Famous Polyglots and Their Learning Techniques

How you can learn SignWriting fast?

Current Target Language

Instructions for Making Friends Internationally

7 main languages of the new residents of Taiwan

The Method of Learning by Analyzing Sentences

Viva lets the whole world learn your language

A unique group of Chinese Indonesian: Why are they still able to converse fluently in Hokkien after most areas have been "Indonesianized"?

KomunIKON at SciLang 2022

Medan Chinese: The most controversial community in Indonesia

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