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Zamenhof Day 2019

Another year, another celebration. This time we had our Zamenhof Day celebrated at Pingtung Park on Sunday, December 22nd, 2019. Pingtung Park is located about a 10-15 minute walk away from Pingtung train station. It was held in a nice and cozy cafe that sells various delicious creative food, such as curry rice, pizza, and cakes. I ordered curry rice because, to be honest, that is my favorite!

As soon as I stepped into the cafe, I heard a familiar foreign language and started to communicate in that language too. The language that I mean is Esperanto, the world's most widely used artificial language in the world. Not everyone can speak Esperanto well but at least, they have learned or they are learning it.

One advantage of coming to an Esperanto event is that you are going to experience an almost all-Esperanto environment. We were quite diverse, we have got participants from Taiwan, Indonesia, South Korea, Canada, Iran, France, and Poland. Despite having different linguistic backgrounds, we all could communicate in a mix of Esperanto, English, and Chinese languages.

I even made a presentation in Esperanto, with addition to Chinese for the participants that don't understand Esperanto well. My presentation was about my language learning story. I talked about how I started and how I am doing it right now, as well as my motivational words for the participants to learn more languages and explore more in this world.

The Tajvana Esperanto-Grupo (Taiwanese Esperanto Group) has long been situated at Pingtung City in southern Taiwan. Its long-time leader, Reza Kheirkhah, comes from Iran and has even started his family in Taiwan. He hosted the event and also presented about Taiwanese Esperanto Group's activities for the recent one year.

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