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Almost indeed from the beginning all Medan Chinese prepared their children as a business connector. If they have two, three or four children, some will be schooled abroad. Usually there is always one or two who remain in Medan and are prepared as "Crown Prince". Although there are also those who send all their children to study outside, whether local and abroad, and after they return, they gradually take over their parents' business.

In the last two decades, more and more Medan Chinese parents are aware of how important education is by sending their children to study abroad. If previously Taiwan was a favorite country for them, now the countries where young Chinese people continue their studies vary from Asia, Australia to America and Europe.

America, Australia and Singapore are the countries that are now the most addressed by Medan Chinese students, shifting Taiwan which is now increasingly shrinking. Malaysia and China are also an attractive alternative, especially for the middle class where tuition fees are important considerations. Especially for China, after the Panda country stretched into a respected economic force, from year to year more and more Medan Chinese continue their studies there. Some of them go there to deepen their mastery of Mandarin.

Delivery of children to study abroad not only requires a large amount of money, but also mastery of foreign languages. In this context many Medan Chinese parents are aware of the importance of English for their children. Because of that, almost all ethnic Chinese families, whether they are rich or poor, send their children to English courses. No wonder the name of the English course school thrives in this city, ranging from the franchise and international scale to a simple course at an affordable price.

For parents who are unable to finance their children abroad, of course local universities are the choice. Continuing studies in tertiary institutions has now become a kind of obligation for the younger generation of Medan Chinese. At this time it is arguably very few of their young people who only stopped until high school.

One of the phenomena that is no less interesting is that if in the past "business" of tertiary institutions in Medan was owned by other ethnic groups, then in the last decade of Medan Chinese busy investing in this field, the awareness of this minority group towards education did offer lucrative business opportunities.

In only a few years, slowly but surely they began to win the "market" which had been controlled by old private universities. High schools such as STIE IBBI, Microskill and Unpri (Prima University) are flooded with thousands of students who are mostly ethnic Chinese. Other institutes affiliated to foreign universities and apply higher tuition fees, such as IT&B and PMCI, also do not lack students.

For elementary and advanced school levels, in addition to conventional schools, currently many Medan Chinese parents send their children to plus-level school who use English daily as the language of instruction. Schools such as SIS (Singapore International School), Piagett, Chandra Kusuma (now changed their names to Chandra Kumala) and Prime One filled with Chinese children. Apparently, the next decade of Totok Chinese must be removed altogether from Medan, because the Medan Chinese young generation who will rise is the educated people who have high intellect.

Moreover, many Medan Chinese have brilliant brains and show amazing achievements in school. In general, Medan Chinese teenagers are indeed serious students, because their studies are closely monitored by parents. Many of them provide private teachers for their children. The fact shows that many Medan Chinese school students have won various international competitions. Some of these students came from Perguruan Sutomo, which for many years was known as a "heavy and serious" school with a myriad of extra-curricular activities.

One of the alumni of this school is Nelson Tansu, known as one of the youngest professors in the United States. Nelson Tansu, the two parents a few years ago were killed by his former employee in collaboration with outsiders, had won 11 awards and had three patent rights for the discovery of his research.

Photo by Halim Kosasi on Unsplash


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