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24H Songs

I have good news for everyone. A friend just gave me a wonderful website a few days ago. On this website, you can listen to songs in several languages, such as Mandarin, Korean, Japanese, Cantonese, etc. for 24-hours non-stop. I have been using it recently. It is called 廣播電台.com. It is a good website for people like me who love listening to songs almost every day no matter what I am doing. I even will leave the song played in the background when I am in the bathroom.


You can see the song playing in the image. Click inside the red box to play and pause, blue circle to go to next song (songs are played randomly), and a green circle to change the channel, such as Mandarin song, English song, Japanese song, Korean song, Cantonese song, etc. All menus are in Mandarin.

I see that there are several links on the website, but I do not know what they are. I do not think that it is quite important for me because this 24H song player has helped me much to kill boredom. Hope you will have fun with it.

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